- aesthetic movement
- antique blue willow
- blue and white transferware
- blue chinoiserie
- blue staffordshire china
- blue transferware
- blue willow platter
- chinoiserie china
- english ironstone
- english transferware
- Hulse & Adderley
- Nancys Daily Dish
- staffordshire china
- staffordshire platter
- stone china blue willow
- transfer ware
- transferware
- vintage china
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Antique Davenport Genoa Mountain Scene Blue Transferware English Moon Flask Pillow Vase
Brand Davenport
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Here is a beautifully unusual, rare and hard to find dual handled gilded blue transferware vase. This style / shape is referred to as either a Moon Flask or Pillow Vase. It was made by the English firm Davenport in the Genoa pattern and dates to the late 19th century. The vase features a blue transfer depicting a castle a mountains in the background. . The handles, upper rim and around the base are gilded as well. It is in wonderful condition.
Measures: 8.5” tall x 6.5” x 3”
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Vintage Blue Transferware Teapot English Tea Pot Charlotte Victorian Basket of Flowers
Brand Royal Staffordshire
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