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See more: Spirit Barrel
- 19C RUM Barrel
- aesthetic movement china
- Antique English Spirits Barrel
- antique spirits barrel
- black transferware
- British Keg
- decorative dish
- english china
- english ironstone
- English Keg
- english transferware
- Kingfisher
- Nancys Daily Dish
- romantic staffordshire
- Royal Staffordshire
- staffordshire china
- transfer ware
- transferware
- vintage china
- vintage whisky barell
19-20C Antique English RUM Liquor Keg Spirits Barrel IDEAL FOR LAMP
Brand Royal Staffordshire
This is one of several antique spirits barrels that has just arrived from England. It is a VERY heavy stoneware golden honey / mustard colored, banded Ceramic Barrel Dispenser which reads RUM across the front in black print. It is absolutely stunning. Perfect for your home bar!
This fantastic spirits barrel dates to the late 19th ro early 20th Century.
Displays beautifully as you can see here!
It would be perfect converted into a lamp or simply on its own atop a bookcase, in a home bar or in an office.
These are relatively hard to come by as many didn't survive over the years.
Measures: approximately 10.5” tall
some pitting in front