- aesthetic movement china
- aesthetic transferware
- antique candy dish
- antique staffordshire dish
- asian motif china
- Brownfield & Sons
- chinoiserie style
- decorative dish
- decorative plate
- english china
- english ironstone
- english transferware
- Nancys Daily Dish
- oriental candy dish
- oriental style decor
- Pagoda
- red transferware
- romantic staffordshire
- staffordshire china
- Toile Dishes
- transferware
- victorian style
- vintage pin dish
Antique Aesthetic Movement Transferware Red Polychrome Asian Oriental Motif Candy Dish Bowl Flowers Pagoda
Brand Brownfield & Sons
Late 1800's small bowl or candy dish from Brownfield and Sons in a red transferware pattern called Ning Po. This is an English piece depicting a pagoda surrounded by birds and florals. It is polychrome with hand painted touches of mustard, brown, rust, blue and green. Stunning example!
Measures 4.75" x 1" deep
Condition, no chips or cracks, some minor browning. There is crazing, commensurate to age present and some wear around the hand painted trim on the edge.
Measures 4.75" x 1" deep
Condition, no chips or cracks, some minor browning. There is crazing, commensurate to age present and some wear around the hand painted trim on the edge.