- aesthetic movement china
- Chinoiserie china
- Copeland Spode
- decorative dish
- english china
- english ironstone
- english transferware
- fluted dish
- Nancys Daily Dish
- oriental decor
- romantic staffordshire
- scalloped plate
- Spode Canton
- staffordshire china
- transfer ware
- transferware
- vintage china
- Vintage Spode Platter
Antique Spode Canton Fluted Chinoiserie Plate Aesthetic Brown Transferware w/ Polychrome Clobbered accents and Lustre
Brand Copeland Spode
Here is a magnificent Aesthetic transferware tab fluted / scalloped plate by Spode Copeland in a Cantonese pattern. The impressed stamp on the back dates to 1879-1880.
Enamel highlights are enamel painted ( clobbered ) over the glaze in olive / chartreuse green, rust, Robin's egg blue, turquoise and mauve with a peachy-gold lustre over part of the scene.
Measures 8 5/8"
Condition: Excellent with no chips or cracks. Minor crazing and wear the the glaze and enamel
Impressed: Copeland (arched) over B and N over 79
Hand numbered as shown in last photo