- aesthetic movement transferware
- antique staffordshire
- antique staffordshire china
- antique transferware
- antique wedgwood
- blue and white staffordshire
- collector plate
- english transferware
- light blue transferware
- Nancys Daily Dish
- pearl stone ware
- periwnkle color plate
- purple transferware
- romantic italy
- Soho Pottery Cobridge
- staffordshire china
- victorian china
- victorian scenery
Sold Out
The Cattle Drover Cows Plate Wedgwood Blue Transferware
Brand Wedgwood
This product is unavailable
Here is a limited edition, vintage blue transferware plate by Wedgwood titled The Drover
It depicts a cattle drive with a floral scrolled border and three large cartouches, each depicting a different cattle scene.
Measures: 9”
Condition: Excellent
To learn more about English transferware and see it in many practical and decorative uses please visit my blog also called Nancy's Daily Dish