- aesthetic movement transferware
- antique english ironstone
- Antique Ironstone Ice Bucket
- antique punchbowl
- antique soup tureen
- english china
- english ironstone
- english transferware
- English Victorian Compote Transferware
- Holiday Entertaining Ideas
- Nancys Daily Dish
- staffordshire china
- transfer ware
- transferware
- Vintage Tureen
Antique Wedgwood Hunt Scene Green Transferware Aesthetic Movement Punch Bowl Compote Soup Tureen
Brand Nancy's Daily Dish
English Victorian Antique Wedgwood Dog Hunt Aesthetic Movement Staffordshire Transfer Ware Punch Bowl / Tureen
Circa 1877
This fantastic find comes from Staffordshire England. It is a footed compote which can easily double as a soup tureen, salad bowl, or as I've shown, an ice bucket. It would be gorgeous as a planter, a catch all on an enty table, full of fruit on your breakfast table as well for a floral arrangement or greenery. The piece dates to the Aesthetic Movement (link below) a hunting scene with a dog and game bird.
Absolutely a wonderful, rare piece and a great way to uniquely offer beverages to your guests.
Measures: 11 1/4" handle to handle x 10 3/8" x 5 3/4" tall
Condition: Two chips on outer rim as shown in photos 5 & 6. They are not overtly noticeable.