- aesthetic china
- asiatich pheasants
- bird plate
- birds and flowers
- brown toile plate
- brown transferware
- cabbage rose plate
- decorating with dishes
- decorating with transferware
- decorative plate
- dinner plate
- english china
- english transfer ware
- floral china
- Nancys Daily Dish
- pheasants
- ridgway atherstone
- ridgway pottery
- romantic staffordshire
- roses
- toile dish
- transferware
- victorian style
- vintage roses
Aesthetic Brown Transferware Plate Roses Pheasants / Birds Ridgway Atherstone Asiatic Pheasants
Brand Ridgway
Vintage Ridgway Atherstone
Birds & Flowers
For consideration is this stunning brown and white transferware plate by Ridgways of Staffordshire. The all over romantic scene of birds fluttering amongst an array of flowers is absolutely stunning.
Measures: 10"
Condition: Excellent. No chips or cracks; there is some crazing and/or minor surface scratches when turned in light.
To learn more about English transferware and see it in many practical and decorative uses please visit me at one of the places below:
BLOG: www.nancysdailydish.blogspot.com
PINTEREST: www.pinterest.com/transferware
FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/pages/English-Transferware/277105748523
TWITTER: www.twitter.com/transferware
See and learn a little about how I began selling English transferware in this documentary short: