- aesthetic movement china
- aesthetic transferware
- asian motif china
- bird transferware
- birds and flowers
- chinoiserie style
- decorative bird plate
- decorative dish
- decorative plate
- english china
- english ironstone
- english transferware
- Nancys Daily Dish
- new transferware
- oriental candy dish
- oriental style decor
- red transferware
- romantic staffordshire
- salad plate
- staffordshire china
- Toile Dishes
- transferware
- victorian style
- vintage pin dish
- wood & sons
- woods & sons dinnerware
Aesthetic Movement Style Red Transferware Plate Asian Oriental Motif Birds & Flowers Chinoiserie
Brand Wood & Sons
Wood & Sons Aesthetic Movement Chinoiserie Style Plate
Birds and Asiatic Blooms surrounded with a border of geometric stars / flowers and floral cartouche's
Measures 8"
Condition: no chips or cracks,
Newer piece with a microwave safe mark on back