- aesthetic china
- aesthetic transferware
- asian style decorative plate
- asian toile
- brown platter
- chinese flowers
- chinoiserie floral
- chinoiserie style
- decorating with dishes
- decorative plate
- english ironstone
- english transferware
- j & g meakin
- Nancys Daily Dish
- octagon plate
- octagon shaped platter
- old pekin
- oriental decor
- rust brown
- serving tray
- transferware platter
Green Transferware Octagon Shaped Tray / Platter Floral Chinoiserie Asian Toile
Brand J & G Meakin
I love the unique, octagonal shape of this serving tray or platter, and the hard to find green color. Made by J & G Meakin, this vintage piece has an Aesthetic Movement look and feel. Great for serving, display or layering on the coffee table with candles, books or seasonal decor.
Measures appx 12 1/4" x 9 3/4"
Condition No chips or cracks. Some crazing is present.
To learn more about English transferware and see it in many practical and decorative uses please visit me at one of the places below:
BLOG: www.nancysdailydish.blogspot.com
PINTEREST: www.pinterest.com/transferware
FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/pages/English-Transferware/277105748523
TWITTER: www.twitter.com/transferware
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